Address the Missing Middle.

Addressing housing efficiency is vital for sustainable living spaces, and swift action is necessary to accommodate the growing population. Focusing on these areas will lead to a more accessible, efficient, and sustainable housing landscape for the future.

Efficient to Build. Quicker to Market.

CBA’s 12Plex module is fast to site plan, efficient to model both architecturally and financially, and can achieve up to 20 units/acre.

CBA’s 12Plex module can be surface parked at 1.8 spaces per unit.

The combination of cost-effective wood frame construction and streamlined design minimizes the construction and operational expenses.

With no elevators, each stair serves a small stacked cluster of units, and only minimal circulation and conditioned common space are needed.

Innovative design solutions for an evolving market.

The multifamily housing development industry is facing big challenges: longer construction durations and fluctuating financial environments, the luxury arms race, and the Missing Middle.

The housing challenge demands attention to four key points: cost, duration, efficiency, and time. Rising property prices and construction expenses make housing increasingly unaffordable, while delays and bureaucratic obstacles worsen the housing shortage.

Project complexity is an ongoing theme in delays at every stage of the development process, and with longer timelines, projects face interest rate risk, insurance risk, supply-chain disruption, and labor uncertainties. At CBA Architects, we systematically address these challenges with intelligent design programs that hit the sweet spot: quicker to design, quicker to build, cost effective, and highly efficient. With our Missing Middle Solution, you can develop projects with the confidence that they will be marketable, constructable, and successful.

Find out how we can address the Missing Middle together.

CBA Architects · Planners is a philosophy-forward architecture focused on Impacting Lives Together.

Over the past decade, competition for returns and notoriety has meant much of the development industry has focused on the Luxury end of the market.  The Missing Middle refers to the demand for affordable market-rate apartments but the lack of supply for such housing in places people want to live.

CBA Architects · Planners is dedicated to providing housing solutions that address current and future needs. CBA recognizes the challenges currently existing in the development industry. These challenges, include expanding design development durations, changing financial environments, and shifting resident priorities.

Learn More

Call us today at (407) 601-7951 or email Doug Anderson.

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